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Headshots of a Law Firm in Folsom, CA

Introducing the Law Office of Amanda D. Berger. They are a great group of women who were wonderful to work with.

Ms. Berger is in the process of updating her website and was looking to hire a professional photographer to take portraits of her and her team to showcase how approachable and capable they are.

We scouted around outside their offices and found this pretty nook where we could take some outdoor portraits. Still, not all places photograph perfectly. Although a place may look perfect at first, it takes a professional photographer's eye of what will work.

In addition to the location, I was able to use advanced editing techniques to match Ms. Berger's vision for lush greenery and the beautiful rocks.

I think the results are gorgeous! I can't wait to see what her new website will look like and with their new portraits.

Their office specializes in family law and estate planning. If you're looking for these services, give them a call:

I love working with small and large offices. I can help you achieve your vision or make recommendations based on your industry and brand. Find out more here:

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